
Speech from Principal 2024-2025

Good morning, Reverend Fung, teachers, and boys. Welcome back to KTMC for a vibrant and inspiring start to the year! As we commence the 2024-2025 academic year, your presence fills the campus with dynamic energy, making today's school opening most unique and memorable.

To start off, let us extend a warm welcome to our new members of the teaching staff, who join us with great enthusiasm and expertise:

• Mr. Peace Law, our English Language Teacher
• Miss. Mimi Leung, our Chinese Language Teacher
• Miss. Carmen Li, our Chinese Language Teacher
• Miss. Mavis Li, our Chinese Language Teacher
• Mr. Michael Mears, our Native English Teacher
• Mr. Anthony Tsui, our Physical Education and Integrated Science Teacher
Please join me in giving them all a hearty round of applause!

Additionally, I am pleased to announce two important new appointments within our school leadership team for this academic year. First, Ms. Cathy Lo has assumed the role of Vice-Principal. Alongside her, Mr. Alick Yuen has been appointed as the Assistant Vice-Principal. Together, their leadership is set to enhance our educational environment and maintain the high standards that we value deeply. Congratulations!

Turning to our academic achievements, we have seen a marked improvement in our students' performance. In the HKDSE last year, our students achieved a higher percentage of Level 5+ compared to all candidates sitting the examinations, in 13 out of 15 subjects. Specifically, we observed notably outstanding results in such electives as Economics, Geography, Information and Communication Technology, and Biology. Additionally, 80% of our students received degree offers through JUPAS, including one student admitted to the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence at HKU through SNDAS, the School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme. Remarkably, one-third of our students gained admission to prestigious institutions including HKU, CUHK, and HKUST. Our boys were admitted to a wide variety of competitive programmes, including Medicine, Artificial Intelligence (there are quite a few of them), Bioinformatics, Actuarial Science, Data Science, Chinese Language Studies and Education, Music, etc. These admissions exhibit the efficacy of our high-quality teaching, as well as the hard work put in by both our teachers and students, truly highlighting the caliber of our academic endeavours and the mission that our school serves.

This year, our guiding theme is drawn from Ephesians 3:17: "Christ will make his home in your hearts through faith, and you may have your roots and foundation in love." This message not only inspires us to deepen our faith but also encourages us to rely on God as our foundation and guide in all we do. In cultivating a community rooted in love, we strengthen our bonds with each other and with God, ensuring that our actions reflect our spiritual commitments. By rooting our daily interactions and learning in these values, we create an environment that nurtures spiritual as well as intellectual growth.

We are also excited to introduce our revised SHINE Programme framework, emphasizing our commitment to developing well-rounded individuals, i.e. all of YOU, through values such as Responsibility, Modesty, Empathy, Integrity, and Critical Thinking, to name a few. Each aspect of SHINE — Strengths Within Me, Harmony in Relationships, Influence in the Community, Navigating Towards Success, and Embracing Challenges — aims to cultivate not only academic excellence but also personal growth and community engagement. This year, we place significant emphasis on nurturing your values and moral development, stressing the discipline Maryknollers should demonstrate both inside and outside the school. Central to this is the core value of love — reflecting our reverence for God and our commitment to loving others. This is designed to foster a holistic education, ensuring that YOU are not only prepared to lead in school and in the broader community, but also embody the values that promote a compassionate society.

As we move forward, let us embrace these values and strive to shine brightly in both our personal journeys and our collective endeavours. Let’s support each other, recognizing our shared responsibilities and collective strength. Facing this new year with optimism and faith, we trust in our abilities and in the guiding hand of Christ. May peace and God's blessings be with you all throughout this year. Thank you.