Scholarship Opportunities

Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
School Scholarship

    1. Minimum amount of donation: $50000
    2. Duration: can last for at least 10 years
  • Donor:

    Alumni Fund 長青基金


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student who has excellent academic attainment, conduct and involvement in extra-curricular activities or services in the school year.


    1. All teachers are invited to nominate students in June.

    2. A Selection Board which comprises the Principal and Vice-principals will be formed.

    3. Interviews will be conducted in July, if necessary.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidate before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Former teaching staff / Professor Yeung Kwok On (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding students in F.2-3 and F.4-5 to recognize their excellent academic attainment, conduct and involvement in extra-curricular activities or services.


    1. Homeroom teachers nominate students and students nominate themselves in April.

    2. A Selection Board which comprises 3 representatives from Sections will be formed.

    3. Interview of nominees on understanding their ideal, thought and expectation will be held in May.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to the successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed. The donation had been used up in 2015. With agree of Rev. John Geitner, school use the Alumni Fund to maintain this scholarship. In 2019, Professor Yeung Kwok On has donated this scholarship.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Lam Ching Sun (Former Discipline Master)


    To be awarded to outstanding students, one in junior forms and one in senior forms who have positive life attitude and excellent conduct.


    1. All teachers are invited to nominate students and students nominate themselves in April.

    2. Nominees who have a clear black mark record will be asked to write an essay to introduce themselves with special emphasis on their life expectations, values etc.

    3. The Selection Board comprises 3 representatives from the Religious and Moral Education Section, the Guidance Committee and the Discipline Committee will be formed.

    4. Interview of nominees will be held in May.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Professor Yeung Kwok On (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to an outstanding student who has excellent performance in community services.


    1. Section Head of Civic Education Section will take charge of the selection. Moderators of CYC and Red Cross are invited to nominate students.

    2. Members of Civic Education Section will form the Selection Board.

    3. Interviews will be conducted in May, if necessary.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Professor Yeung Kwok On (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding students in each form to recognize their excellent academic attainment with less privilege.


    1. The Section Head of the Curriculum and Academic Affairs Section will take charge of the selection.

    2. Students with less privilege who attain the first place in form by the annual marks will be nominated.


    The awards, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidates at the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Li Pui Sang (Former Principal)


    To encourage students to develop into an understanding and all-round person.


    1. The Activity Section will take charge of the administration.

    2. Students should fill in the date of each activity or service they have participated and give justifications for claiming the award in the record books. The record books should then be submitted to the teacher-in-charge.

    3. The teacher-in-charge should enter the number of merit(s) in the record book.


    The prize for Gold Badge is $1000.

  • Donor:

    Professor Yeung Kwok On (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the best Prefect. One of Head or Vice-head Prefects and one of Prefect Team members.


    1. The Discipline Master will take charge of the selection.

    2. Moderators of Prefect Team will nominate students, and a Selection Board will be formed.

    3. Interviews will be conducted in May, if necessary.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    KTMC Alumni (Group Donation)


    To be awarded to outstanding students, one in junior and one in senior forms who have excellent conduct.


    1. All teachers are invited to nominate students and students can also nominate themselves in April.

    2. Nominees who have a clear black mark record will be asked to write an essay to introduce themselves with special emphasis on their conducts.

    3. The Selection Board will comprise of 3 representatives from the Religious and Moral Education Section, the Guidance Committee and the Discipline Committee.

    4. Interviews of nominees will be held in May.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each student will be awarded to the successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Dr. Tsang Ngai Chong (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding students in each form to recognize their excellent academic attainment with less privilege.


    1. The Section Head of the Curriculum and Academic Affairs Section will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students with less privilege who attain the 2nd place in form will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each student will be awarded to the successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Dr. Chen Ka Ching (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding students, one in junior forms and one in senior forms who have excellent performance in STEM activities.


    1. All teachers are invited to nominate students and students can also nominate themselves in April.

    2. The STEM Development Committee will take charge of the selection.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each student will be awarded to the successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Professor Yeung Kwok On (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in Senior Form who has excellent performance in Geography.


    1. The Geography Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subject will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for the successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Dr. Leung Kwok Ling (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to outstanding students, one in junior forms and one in senior forms who have excellent performance in organizing extra-curricular activities.


    1. All moderators of Sections, Clubs and Groups are invited to nominate students in April.

    2. Section Head of Activity Section will take charge of the selection. Members of the Activity Section will form the Selection Board.

    3. Interviews will be conducted in May, if necessary.


    The scholarship, $1000 for each student, will go to successful candidates before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Lam Tin Cho (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to 3 outstanding teams of F3 to F5 students, whose proposals are qualified, creative and innovative.


    1. Students should form teams and submit proposals on time.

    2. A committee of alumni will take charge of the selection.


    The scholarship of $3000 will go to the team with the best proposal and $1000 will be awarded to each of the second and third best proposals.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Chan Hau Tat (Alumnus)


    To be awarded to 3 students who have outstanding performance in Gardening Club and to subsidize the expenditure of Gardening Club.


    1. The Gardening Club Moderator will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their outstanding performance in Gardening Club.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each successful candidate will be awarded at the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed. Additionally, $2000 will be subsidized towards the expenditure of Gardening Club every year.

  • Donor:

    Alumni Fund 長青基金


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student who has excellent performance in sports activities.


    1. The P.E. Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their excellent performance in sports activities.


    The scholarship of $1000 for the successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Alumni Fund 長青基金


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student who has excellent performance in music activities.


    1. The Music Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their excellent performance in music activities.


    The scholarship of $1000 for the successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    KTMC Alumni (Group Donation)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in each form who has excellent performance in Chinese Language.


    1. The Chinese Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subject will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Alumni Fund 長青基金


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in each form who has excellent performance in English Language.


    1. The English Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subject will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Alumni Fund 長青基金


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in each form who has excellent performance in Mathematics.


    1. The Mathematics Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subject will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for each successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Kwan Chi Chuen (Former Chemistry Panel Head)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in F3 to F6 who has excellent performance in Chemistry.


    1. The Chemistry Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subjects will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for the successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Mr. Liang Kwing Yuen (Alumnus, Former Biology Lab. Technician)


    To be awarded to the most outstanding student in F3 to F6 who has excellent performance in Biology.


    1. The Biology Panel will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their annual marks. Students who attain the highest marks in the specific subjects will be nominated.


    The scholarship of $1000 for the successful candidate will be awarded before the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.

  • Donor:

    Parent Teacher Association


    To be awarded to F1 to F5 students who make the best improvement in their studies during the school year.


    1. The Section Head of the Curriculum and Academic Affairs Section will take charge of the selection.

    2. Nominees will be selected based on their performance in the Final Examination. Students who make the best improvement will be nominated.


    The awards of a $1000 book coupon for each successful candidate will be given at the end of the school year after all selection processes have been completed.